There is a wealth of information about Kawasaki Disease available on the internet. As more research is undertaken, more information becomes available. Please find below some useful resources to assist you in learning more about Kawasaki Disease.

Information on the internet is no subsidy for medical advice, and where any health concerns arise, always seek advice from your treating health professional.

Our Medical Advisor, Professor David Burgner has suggested one of the best ways is to search for ‘Kawasaki Disease’ on PubMed, which is a medical literature search engine. The following link should lead you to an up-to-date search for KD papers.

Parent / Carer Important Information

We are passionate about raising KD awareness and supporting others that are going through what we have been through. We remember it like it was yesterday and understand the emotional impact having a child with KD brings. Please review our support pack to assist you through this initial period.

Kawasaki Disease Foundation Awareness Resources

Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19

Click on image below for more information

Australian Research published studies and articles

Australian Media & News Stories

KD Foundation US & Other Resources. Please note that Australian data differs to US statistics.

Other Useful Resources: